Water Birth Pools

Benefits of Water Birth


Water birth is the process of giving birth in a tub filled with warm water. It has become much more common in recent years, and many women are choosing this option. The benefits include: less pain during labor and delivery; less need for medication during labor and delivery; easier breathing; reduced risk of infection due to fewer bacteria on skin surfaces; increased comfort; ability to move freely and naturally in any position desired (e.g., squatting).

Water birth has become much more common in recent years.

Water birth has become much more common in recent years. It’s a safe, simple way to deliver your baby, especially if you’re having a vaginal birth. Many women who want to experience the benefits of water birth but are afraid of giving birth in a pool are finding ways to incorporate this into their hospital births.

Many hospitals have started offering mother-and-baby pools for use during delivery, which may be available for those who wish to give birth in water with support from nurses and midwives. Some hospitals allow mothers who want water birth but don’t want help from professionals (or just prefer not having strangers present) to set up their own tubs or showers at home during labor so they can feel more comfortable as they go through labor and delivery.

The benefits include:

The benefits of water birth include:

  • Less pain. Women who have given birth in a water tub report that they had less pain than those who gave birth on land. What’s more, the babies tend to be born with their heads facing down (known as being “headed”), which is thought to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Less need for medication. Studies have shown that women who give birth in water use significantly less anesthesia during labor and delivery than those who give birth on land, because their bodies move naturally within the tub and engage their own natural coping mechanisms. This can also prevent postpartum depression by helping you avoid an overreliance on medication that interferes with bonding between mother and child after delivery.
  • Easier movement during labor (no more “shaky legs”). If you’re like me, sometime during your second trimester you may find yourself unable to walk around without feeling dizzy or lightheaded—and I’m guessing this won’t get any better when you’re in active labor! But if you labor in water, then it’s easy to move around without having those terrible shaky legs taking over your life! You’ll be able to walk around however much necessary throughout the day without worrying about falling down or throwing up because everything feels so smooth underfoot!

Less pain during labor and delivery

Water birth can reduce pain. During labor and delivery, being in the water can help ease some of the most common discomforts that women experience. Water can provide better comfort for contractions, and keep them from getting as strong or frequent. This reduces the need for pain medication.

  • It may also reduce the need for epidurals (spinal blocks) or c-sections because it is easier on both mommy and baby to be in warm water instead of on dry land!

Less need for medication during labor and delivery

Because of the water’s relaxing and calming effects, you may find yourself less likely to need medication during labor and delivery. If you have had a cesarean birth or other surgery, your doctor may recommend that you use alternative methods of pain relief, such as acupuncture or hypnosis.

A water birth also helps ease the process of moving your baby down the birth canal. The warm water helps relax your muscles and makes it easier for your baby to move through them as he makes his way toward being born. This can also lessen certain discomforts associated with birthing a child—such as back pain caused by straining against gravity in an attempt to push out the baby—which can help make for an easier transition into motherhood (and fatherhood).

For some women, a water birth may be a good option.

Water birth is not for everyone, and you should discuss this with your doctor. If you are pregnant, it is important to understand the risks associated with waterbirth. Your doctor should be supportive of your decision and knowledgeable about water birth.


So what do you think? Are you still on the fence about water birth? Or have you tried it and found that it helped make your labor easier? Let us know in the comments below!